Anthony Benedettini: The Art of Living Longer | Embrace Simplicity, Be a Qualitarian, and Master Congruency for a Fulfilling Life

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Anthony Benedettini: The Art of Living Longer | Embrace Simplicity, Be a Qualitarian, and Master Congruency for a Fulfilling Life

Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. Sounds simple, right? It can be! Today, we hear from Anthony Benedettini, Partnerships Recruiter and Sales Consultant at BiOptimizers and the former Inside Advisor at Tesla, about why he believes relationships are one of the key building blocks for optimum health! With a background in applied physiology and kinesiology, Anthony is also a certified coach in Precision Nutrition, the former Director of Strategic Partnerships at Perfect Keto, and former Head of Customer Experience at Dry Farm Wines. In this episode, he shares the three main sources of energy in his life; money, vitality, and relationships, and we hear his theory on a simpler approach to longevity that doesn’t depend on expensive supplements and in-home devices. We also discuss what we can learn from those living in Blue Zones like Sardinia, and the importance of maintaining congruency. Find out why Anthony describes himself as a ‘qualitarian’ and doesn’t subscribe to any diet in particular, and his perspective on the environments that he chooses to live in. Tune in today to learn about all this and so much more!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • How Anthony came to realize the importance of building relationships through sales.
  • Anthony on the three main sources of energy in his life: money, vitality, and relationships.
  • Hear his theory on a simpler approach to longevity that doesn’t rely on supplements.
  • What we can learn about a healthy lifestyle from the Blue Zones like Sardinia.
  • The importance of self-work, taking regular breaks and doing what you love.
  • The modern cycle of constant reward and distraction that goes against our physiology.
  • Why Anthony calls himself a ‘qualitarian’; it’s not about your diet, it’s about quality foods!
  • Andrés shares a story about Sardinia and its hyperlocal approach to produce.
  • Anthony on his Instagram handle, ‘iwillliveto100’, and his goal to live more than a century.
  • Why exchange should be one of the core building blocks in a relationship that adds value.
  • How Anthony quantifies the benefits he receives from community activities like the sauna.
  • Andrés reflects on what Kelly McGonigal has written about the benefits of group movement.
  • Mediterranean diet versus Mediterranean lifestyle; why it’s not just about olives and wine.
  • Find out how Anthony approaches travel and the environments he chooses to live in.
  • Congruency as a major lifestyle aspect that Anthony takes pride in maintaining.
  • Making small investments that bring you into alignment rather than trying to be perfect.
  • Why optimal health isn’t a competition; it’s a willingness to learn as you grow and develop.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Anthony Benedettini on LinkedIn

Anthony Benedettini on Instagram



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