Everyone is faced with plenty of questions when it comes to health and nutrition. What kind of people should you listen to online and on social media when it comes to health and nutrition? How can you change your lifestyle to better support your health? What is the benefit of fasting? Today’s episode is packed with useful information that will empower you on your journey to health. We speak to Ella Davar, who marries science and holistic ancient wisdom to create powerful nutritional solutions that support health and wellness. Ella explains to us why there is no single diet that is best for humans, we talk about listening to our bodies and explore the different kinds of testing that can guide our diets. We talk about dates, sugar, and blood sugar composition and Ella answers the question of whether you should be more concerned with blood glucose or food sensitivity. Ella stresses the importance of eating according to your hormonal cycle and taking personal responsibility for your specific dietary needs. Next, we touch on Ella’s exploration of the history of Mediterranean diets and we talk about how lifestyle changes can support overall wellness. In closing, we agree that prioritizing your health empowers you to better serve everyone in your life, including yourself, and land on the pearl of wisdom that flexibility is the best possible foundation. Join us for a jam-packed episode that will change your perspective on nutrition and wellness. We hope you tune in!
Key Points From This Episode:
- What it means to have a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness.
- The mind-body connection and the role of ancestral wisdom.
- Why there is no single diet that is best for humans.
- Why you have to listen to your body and become the master of your body.
- The value of biochemical testing: insulin, immune biomarkers, blood glucose, stress and sex hormones, microbial and food intolerance testing.
- Dates, sugar, and blood sugar monitoring.
- Whether you should be more concerned with blood glucose or food sensitivity.
- Eating according to your hormonal cycle.
- Ella’s exploration of the history of Mediterranean diets and why this cuisine is superior.
- The importance of personal responsibility and personalization.
- The value of tapping into the wisdom of your body.
- Approaching trial and error with self-compassion and self-kindness.
- How changing your lifestyle as a whole supports overall wellness.
- How prioritizing your health empowers you to better serve everyone in your life.
- Why flexibility is the best possible foundation.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Nutritionist Ella
Ella Davar on LinkedIn
Ella Davar on Instagram