Chocolate, Oxytocin, and the Biology of Courage with Yaniv Simpson
While most of us associate chocolate bars with a guilty pleasure, cacao in its purest form is actually a superfood with a ton of benefits.
While most of us associate chocolate bars with a guilty pleasure, cacao in its purest form is actually a superfood with a ton of benefits.
You probably already know that I’m an exercise physiologist—and I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in applied physiology with a concentration in nutrition for health
Our guest for today is Kabir Parker—marine biologist, University of Miami graduate, master freediver, and conscious spearfisherman. After realizing that doing scientific research alone is
Based in Miami, iconic pop artist Romero Britto is the most licensed artist in history whose work has been in museums and galleries in over
Joining Andres on the podcast today is Dr. Jay T. Wiles, a Clinical Health Psychologist who is Board Certified in both HRV Biofeedback, and Tai
Today’s very special guest, Idan Ravin, is an individual who is proof positive of just what is possible when you have the right degree of
Kevin Longoria, Chief Science Officer at Biostrap, is today’s special guest on the podcast. Kevin’s passion for research and education combined with his expertise in
Today’s very special guest is Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas
The ‘Glucose Goddess’ herself, Jessie Inchauspe, is the very special guest on today’s episode. Also known as ‘Sugarmama’, Jessie is on a very personal mission
Here is our first official podcast to introduce the show! Excited for what's to come! Support the show
Phil Southerland is about to reshape your perception of living with type one diabetes. This episode offers inspiration to redefine metabolism and practical strategies to achieve glucose control.
When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed?
We have the pleasure of talking to a dentist turned sleep optimizer, Dr. Jay Khorsandi, about the most fundamental (and, for some, the most frustrating) part of human existence.
After 20 years of putting his hands in people’s mouths, Jay Khorsandi molded his dentistry into sleep optimization. He saw how only a few millimeters behind your jaw contains the gateway to health…
your airway
Breathwork has garnered significant attention in recent years as an effective tool to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With roots in ancient practices such as pranayama and tai chi, modern breathwork techniques have evolved to offer a diverse range of approaches for improving overall health and wellness.
In this episode with David Jackson, we delve deep into the science behind various breathwork techniques, examining how they can elicit remarkable physiological and psychological responses. We discuss the numerous benefits of conscious breathing, such as reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus and concentration, increased emotional resilience, and enhanced athletic performance.
You may not be able to smell success, but you can definitely scent-sationalize your potential ! Joining us on Episode 76 is internationally renowned Testosterone
“I believe that knowing your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling life. You deserve to know what will make you the best version of yourself. When it comes to living healthier the best time to start is immediately.”
Andres Preschel
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